Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Episode of the week #2

"The Lizard-Spock Expansion"

Wolowitz thinks he's found his soul mate--until the woman, Dr. Stephanie Barnett, meets Leonard. Wolowitz invites Stephanie to drive the Mars rover, which winds up stuck in a ditch. Eventually, to hide evidence of what he has done, Wolowitz destroys all the security tapes and hard drives he can find relating to the Mars Rover mission. Leonard has a hard time deciding how to break the news to Howard that he is dating Stephanie. Sheldon, of course, is no help. Leonard decides to go to Howard's house to tell him himself. While there, Stephanie calls Howard and gives him the news. Howard tells Leonard "You are dead to me," which lasts until Stephanie invites Howard on a double-date. At the end of the episode, Wolowitz hears the news on TV that the Mars rover has found life on Mars in the bottom of the ditch, but as so much data has been mysteriously lost no one will ever know who made the amazing discovery. The episode closes with Wolowitz remarking "Son of a bitch!"

Sheldon is a fan of Saturn 3, Raj likes Deep Space 9, and Leonard proposes watching Babylon 5, since numerically, it's between the two. This devolves into arguing over which is better, and only resolves to somewhat agree that Star Trek 5 is worse than the others.Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock" is an expansion of the classic Rock-paper-scissors game by Sam Kass, which turns the classic three-way game into five-way, while keeping the original associations in the three way game, as so:
PAPER disproves SPOCK
SPOCK vaporizes ROCK

of coruse they all pick spock. it spolves nothing hahaha (:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Episode of the week #1

So very week imma put my favorite episode and you guys can choose them too if yu really like a episode.

The Pants Alternative seson 3 episode 18

Sheldon finds out he is being honored with a prestigious award by the University and suddenly gets stage freight and wants to decline the award just so he won't have to stand in front of his colleagues and give a speech. Penny wants to help Sheldon regain his confidence and enlists the guys to help her do it. She convinces Sheldon to allow them to help by comparing them to the "X-Men" team, which Sheldon gets in to and calls his team the "C-Men," which the guys hate. Penny takes Sheldon to buy a professional suit, while Leonard and Koothrappali try to provide psychological and spiritual guidance without much success. On the night of the event, Sheldon initially appears composed but soon his nerves get the best of him and as he is about to be introduced to the stage, he wants to run out. Penny gives him the only thing she knows will calm him down and get him through this speech - alcohol, and lots of it. He ends up enbarrasing himself big timeandit ends up on Youtube.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Character Profile #2

Okayy so this week is Leonard Hofstadter,Experimental physicist....

Leonard Hofstadter is Sheldons room mate. Even since he moved in with sheldon he has liked penny. In season 2 he gets with penny and they have a on and off relationship.Leonard is kind-hearted and has alot of patiance with Sheldon. Other ppl would have sought vengeance after Sheldons Night Elf rouge with the Sword of Azeroth leaving his friends at the mercy of a moghty goblin horde- but Leonard has a forgiving nature, bless him.

His work often includes the use of lasers, such as a helium-neon laser or free electron laser, and his research topics have varied from Bose-Einstein condensates to soft cosmic rays at sea level. Leonard is indicated to be greatin literature and history as well as the sciences; he is able to solve a crossword puzzle in seconds, the answers being mostly literature based.

He usually wears his characteristic black framed glasses, even if in costume, neutral colored sweat jackets, brown or red pants, and t-shirts with a physics theme. He is lactose intolerant, which frequently is the subject of digestive humor in the show. One of his personal affects is holding his head high when he speaks.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Just another post (:

So i forgot to mention on my intro post that if you have any questions on big bang theory ask me and i will answer as best as i can (:

Monday, August 2, 2010

Character Profile #1

Okay Good Afternoon my big bang followers character profiles will happen once a week or so...

This week we start with Sheldon Cooper...the Physics Scientist.

Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper MSc, PhD

Sheldon is the uber geek, he possesses a Master's degree and two PhDs, and conducts string theory research at Caltech, where he started in 2003. He shares an apartment with Leonard.

If you thought Sheldon was all about the physics though you'd be wrong. He's an avid fan of Battlestar Gallactica and he's got 212 friends on MySpace. Sheldon loves to play a bit of Klingon Boggle with his friends, but hey, who doesn't? Well, Penny for one, but that's Leonard's problem.

Sheldon is not a huge fan of his mum because she is a beliver to god. He believes she is compleatly nuts as one man cannot possibly create the whole universe.

Sheldon started college at the age of 11, receiving his first PhD at 16. While he might claim to be the perfect human specimen, Sheldon does have his faults but he'd never admit it! He lacks empathy, is unable to use sarcasm, doesn't like change, and has an inflated ego. He does not understand social norms, and makes little attempt to do so.

As of 2010 he still annoys just about everyone.