Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Episode of the week #2

"The Jiminy Conjecture"

After hearing a cricket chirping, Howard and Sheldon make a wager, the winner to get one of the other's favorite comic books. Their wager is on whether the cricket is a common field cricket (Howard's assertion) or a snowy tree cricket (Sheldon's assertion). To determine who wins the bet, first they have to find the cricket, second they have to capture the cricket, and third they have to decide who can make the ultimate determination. Howard calls this crricket bertie when Sheldon thinks a nore sutible name would be "jiminey"hahah. The person they choose is entomology Professor "Creepy" Crawley, who is facing some issues of his own.He takes it out on the boys like they are some sort of counserler. Meanwhile, Leonard and Penny eventually admit to each other that their first time together as lovers was less than thrilling. They have to figure out how to overcome this problem, or if not what to do about it. They decide to drink up and see if it helps anything. It doesnt, they just end up both in the bathroom taking turns hugging the toilet. My favorite quote would be when they are drinking. Leonard: Why would you buy peppermint schnapps?Penny: Because I like peppermint, and it's fun to say schnapps!

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